Puberty education for students with special needs. All Ages
Introductory puberty education for students with special needs. A Girl's Guide to Growing Up presents puberty education in a sensitive and understandable format that is upbeat and focused. This DVD is organized in chapter format allowing for lesson breaks and instructional focus. The chapters cover the following important topics:
-External anatomy
-Physical and emotional changes of puberty
-Health and hygiene
-Privacy and safety
The following special populations will find this reassuring title comprehensible, practical and positive. Students with:
-Developmental disabilities or delays
-Intrusive behavior or mental illness
-Down Syndrome
-Autism Spectrum Disorder, including Asperger's Syndrome
-Learning disabilities
-Behavioral disabilities
-Communicative disorders
This title is also recommended for girls who are early physical developers.
Individual component parts are available for purchase. Call 1-800-821-3303 for details.
External anatomy, Physical and emotional changes of puberty, Health and hygiene, Privacy and safety, Developmental disabilities or delays, Intrusive behavior or mental illness, Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome, Learning disabilities, Behavioral disabilities, Communicative disorders, Spanish, SIECUS, sexuality, sex education, sex ed, human growth, girls, special needs, puberty education, puberty ed, closed captioned
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