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How Will You React? A Staff's Guide: Being Prepared for a School Shooting

School Safety. Adults

Filmed entirely in a school setting, this program is designed to supplement your existing emergency preparedness plan as it relates to a school shooting. In consultation with law enforcement and school district security personnel, "How Will You React?" will encourage your staff to think realistically, to prepare mentally and to assess the situation in order to make the decision to RUN, HIDE or FIGHT.

Topics Include:

-Survival mindset

-Dealing with fear and panic

-Areas to avoid

-Assessing the situation

School Safety, emergency preparedness, Survival mindset, Dealing with fear and panic, Assessing the situation, school training video school shootings, school shooting DVD, school security, safeguard risk solutions, RUN, HIDE, FIGHT, Gary Sigrist, lockdowns, lockdown training, lockdown procedures, safety

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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