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Puberty: A Girls Journey

Physical and emotional changes during puberty. Grades 4-6

This new program includes two parts (Part 1-Physical Changes/Part 2-Emotional and Social Changes.)  It's like getting two programs on one DVD!

Part 1

Ella confides in older sister Emily, who provides reassuring information on the physical changes to expect during puberty.  Topics include:

  • When to expect the onset of puberty
  • The female reproductive system
  • The menstrual cycle
  • Hormones
  • Health and hygiene

Part 2

Emily and Andres discuss many of the emotional and social changes that boys and girls experience during puberty.  Topics include:

  • Body image
  • Self esteem
  • peer pressure
  • Cliques
  • Bullying
  • And much more!

sex education, sex ed, reproductive system, Puberty Education, puberty, menstruation, maturation, hygiene, healthy habits, girls, emotional, emotion, closed caption, change, adolescence, Puberty DVD's, self esteem, boy image, self confidence, bullying, acne

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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