
Products Showing 12 of 70

  • Safety: Out of the Danger Zone

    Safety - Awareness and Response. Grades 4-6

    By stressing a single appropriate response to danger, this video helps prepare boys and girls to respond promptly and predictably to safeguard themselves and others. When they discover an old mystery game in Grandpa's closet, three youngsters also discover valuable personal safety advice. The "Out of the Danger Zone" game presents the players with a series of scenarios that tests their ability to handle dangerous situations. These scenarios deal with gun safety, physical safety, internet safety, and drug safety. As each situation unfolds, players are reminded to be aware of their environment at all times, to recognize the danger of certain types of situations, and to respond quickly in two simple steps:

    • Get away from the danger.
    • Tell an adult.

    This sound advice will help intermediate students respond confidently when their personal safety is at risk.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • The Immune System: Our Internal Defender

    Explore the complex immune system

    This program explores the complex and remarkable immune system and its vital role in the defense of our bodies.

    It introduces students to the microorganisms and minute foreign particles surrounding us at all times, including the infectious viruses and bacteria that threaten us when these foes break through the body's outer defenses. It explores the nature of immunity, graphically presents phagocytes, T-cells, and B-cells, the defending heroes of the immune system, and outlines the phases of immune response — from recognition of the invader to the eventual slowdown of the battle as the invader is defeated.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • The Immune System: Doing Its Part

    Explore the complex immune system. Grades 3-5

    Explore the complex and remarkable immune system and its vital role in the defense of our bodies.

    This program describes certain malfunctions of the immune system, including allergic responses and autoimmune disorders, and introduces the concept of rejection. It explains how HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) is able to overpower the immune system so that it can no longer protect the body from disease.

    Doing Its Part stresses the importance of basic good hygiene and preventive health practices in avoiding exposure to harmful germs and in maintaining a healthy immune system.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • We're Just Talking For Boys and Girls

    Puberty education redux. Grades 5-8

    Even though human biology has not changed lately, your students will respond to these contemporary new titles. With a fresh look, the Let's Just Talk series presents sound, accurate information about puberty in a framework of self-respect and responsible decision-making. These upbeat titles strongly emphasize the importance of exercise and encourage good nutrition.

    Getting together for homework, two groups of friends listen to the popular radio show "Let's Just Talk" and get an earful about the biology of growing up and some useful advice for coping with adolescence. We're Just Talking presents factual information about boys and girls entering puberty. Topics include male and female physical development, hormones, and the reproductive systems, with an emphasis on physical and emotional health.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • We're Just Around The Corner

    Puberty Education. Grades 5-8

    Are your students ready for a little more information on puberty and reproduction? "We're Just Around the Corner" has been updated with new photography, new graphics and fresh live action footage to appeal to your older students. It is grounded in fact, sensitive to adolescent feelings, and reassuring about changes that are on the way. This co-educational program presents information on topics that include:

    -The physical and emotional changes of puberty

    -The maturation of the male and female reproductive systems

    -Conception, pregnancy, and fetal development

    -The importance of reliable information as vital to good decision making

    -The importance of good hygiene and healthy habits

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 2 hours.
  • We're Growing Up

    Insights into the challenges of puberty. Grades 4-8

    This reassuring program presents facts about puberty in a context of self-respect and self-confidence. We're Growing Up! is designed for a combined audience of boys and girls. The narrator talks comfortably and matter-of-factly about human growth patterns (starting with a baby's rapid growth in the womb) and moves quickly through to the subject at hand,adolescence. A review of male and female anatomy and sexual development and an emphasis on responsible choices will be starting points for classroom discussion. A lively cast of young teenagers and sensitive artwork round out this production.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 2 hours.
  • Take Care of Your Teeth

    With Annie Funelli and the Funsters! Grades K-3

    Annie Funelli and the Funsters show students how to have fun, stay healthy and take good care of themselves.

    Annie zips into Annie's Place on her silver scooter — fully protected by her safety gear — including her new mouth guard to protect her beautiful teeth. After all, as she tells the Funsters, teeth are very important — for eating, speaking, and overall appearance and good health.

    Annie begins by explaining the transition from baby to permanent teeth and then explains how Funsters can keep those permanent teeth through a lifetime program of good habits and safe behaviors — careful brushing and flossing, avoidance of sugary snacks, and common sense precautions to protect teeth from accidental injury.

    Funsters are prepared for a visit to the dentist with an introduction to the equipment, tools and procedures that are included in a routine checkup and cleaning. Annie Funelli makes sure Funsters and youngsters know how to make their teeth last!

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • Take Care of Your Skin, Hair and Nails

    With Annie Funelli and the Funsters! Grades K-3

    Annie Funelli and the Funsters show students how to have fun, stay healthy and take good care of themselves.

    The unpredictable Annie blows into Annie's Place straight from her tropical vacation, but as she soon makes clear to the Funsters, there is no vacation from taking care of our skin, hair, and nails. From her seemingly bottomless red travel tote, Annie pulls soap, shampoo, bath brush, nailbrush, sunscreen, combs, brushes, nail clippers, and more, to introduce Funsters — and your students — to essentials of hygiene and good health.

    Annie talks about germs and the importance of cleanliness, with special emphasis on the when, how, and how long of hand washing — a message underscored by the 15-second Handwashing Song. The Funsters learn about protecting their skin from the sun and from miscellaneous bumps, bites, and itches — with a special warning about poison ivy.

    After some wise words from Annie about keeping hair and nails clean and groomed, the Funsters don their new sunhats to wrap up another entertaining day at Annie's Place.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • Annie Funelli and the Funsters show students how to have fun, stay healthy and take good care of themselves.

    Annie turns out the lights and invites the Funsters — and your students — to explore the magic of vision. She draws from her bag of tricks to demonstrate how sight delivers a wealth of information, alerts us to danger, and adds to life’s pleasure.

    Annie shows youngsters how to be on the lookout for signs of eye problems, from temporary conditions like pink eye, to long-term focusing difficulties. Annie explains how a nurse or doctor may diagnose and treat eye problems, and she explains ways to avoid eye injuries.

    Annie shows how eyes are examined and vision tested, and she helps seeing youngsters understand some of the ways children cope with serious loss of sight.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • Annie Funelli and the Funsters show students how to have fun, stay healthy and take good care of themselves.

    Annie becomes a one-man band to introduce the Funsters to the world of hearing and demonstrates in her own whimsical style how our ears provide enjoyment, help us learn and communicate, and alert us to events and hazards throughout the day.

    Annie explains some common ear problems, including blockage, infection, and hearing impairment. She helps kids recognize symptoms of these conditions and, with the help of the Funsters, demonstrates what to expect on a visit to the doctor’s office.

    Annie stresses the first principle of ear safety: Don’t put anything in your ears smaller than your elbow! She also warns against too much loud noise or music, blowing in someone’s ear, or rough play that might damage ears. 

    Annie also talks to Funsters about how children with serious hearing impairment communicate, learn and play.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • Straight Talk Puberty - Girls

    Puberty education for girls. Grades 5-8

    Girls have questions about their growing bodies during puberty. Straight Talk About Puberty- For Girls provides the answers with this fresh, modern take on the subject. Filmed with new 3D rendered anatomy illustrations, this program is perfect for your older students who are ready to learn more about puberty.Girls in this grade range will learn about:

    -The female reproductive system

    -Hygiene and good grooming

    -The dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs to growing bodies

    Emotional and physical changes of puberty

    -Importance of exercise and good nutrition

    -Body Image

    For a fresh modern take on this topic, with exciting new graphics and music by Rainmaker Bob Walkenhorst, you will find STRAIGHT TALK ABOUT PUBERTY very useful for class discussion.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 1 hours.
  • Straight Talk Puberty - Boys

    Puberty education for boys. Grades 5-8

    Boys have questions about their growing bodies during puberty. Straight Talk About Puberty - For Boys provides the answers with this fresh, modern take on the subject. Filmed with new 3D rendered anatomy illustrations, this program is perfect for your older students who are ready to learn more about puberty. Boys in this grade range will learn about:

    -The male reproductive system

    -Hygiene and good grooming

    -The dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs to growing bodies

    -Emotional and physical changes of puberty

    I-mportance of exercise and good nutrition

    -Self- Esteem

    STRAIGHT TALK ABOUT PUBERTY For Boys will help answer many of those important, but often not asked, questions that maturing boys always have.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 1 hours.