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Straight Talk About Sex, Gender, and Media

Interpreting media messages. Grades 6-8

Learn to interpret media messages.

In the tradition of the Straight Talk series, practical ways for students to gain media literacy are outlined in this timely new video. Analyzing the purposes of media messages and interpreting hidden agendas is a vital skill for young teens under barrage from high-pressure marketing. FromStraight Talk About Sex, Gender, and Media, students will begin to develop a healthy critical approach to the many different forms the media takes, and to make more informed decisions regarding their own choices with regard to sexuality. This video raises the awareness of young people and promotes abstinence from risky behavior.

spanish, sexuality, sexism, sex role stereotypes, media literacy, closed captioned, Health/Safety, guidance, Social Skills

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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