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We're Growing Up

Insights into the challenges of puberty. Grades 4-8

This reassuring program presents facts about puberty in a context of self-respect and self-confidence. We're Growing Up! is designed for a combined audience of boys and girls. The narrator talks comfortably and matter-of-factly about human growth patterns (starting with a baby's rapid growth in the womb) and moves quickly through to the subject at hand,adolescence. A review of male and female anatomy and sexual development and an emphasis on responsible choices will be starting points for classroom discussion. A lively cast of young teenagers and sensitive artwork round out this production.

puberty, self confidence, self esteem, sex education, sex ed, responsibility, reproductive system, Puberty Education, puberty, menstruation, maturation, hygiene, healthy habits, growth, girls, emotional, emotions, closed captioned, choices, changes, boys, adolescence, Puberty DVD's

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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