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We're Just Around The Corner

Puberty Education. Grades 5-8

Are your students ready for a little more information on puberty and reproduction? "We're Just Around the Corner" has been updated with new photography, new graphics and fresh live action footage to appeal to your older students. It is grounded in fact, sensitive to adolescent feelings, and reassuring about changes that are on the way. This co-educational program presents information on topics that include:

-The physical and emotional changes of puberty

-The maturation of the male and female reproductive systems

-Conception, pregnancy, and fetal development

-The importance of reliable information as vital to good decision making

-The importance of good hygiene and healthy habits

physical and emotional changes of puberty, male and female reproductive systems, Conception, pregnancy, fetal development, good hygiene, healthy habits, spanish, sex education, sex ed, Puberty DVD's, reproductive system, Puberty Education, puberty, menstruation, maturation, hygiene, girls, fetus, conception, boys, co-ed, co-educational, closed captioned, change, baby, babies, adolescence, maturation

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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