Hand washing is essential to good health. Grades K-5
Wash those hands and wash away germs that can cause colds, flu, stomach upsets, and a host of more serious infections. You loved the classic version of WASH THOSE HANDS! so in response, we offer this new updated version which contains the latest information, and compelling reasons to keep on washing those hands! This fresh new DVD, with new photographs, narration and music, may be used effectively with younger students as the prelude to KEEP IT CLEAN! for older students. Students will learn about:
-The benefits of hand washing for everyone
-All about germs - What are they? Where are they? How do they make people sick?
-Getting rid of germs. When is hand washing most important?
-What is the best way to wash your hands?
-What to use when soap and water is not available?
As an introduction to basic personal hygiene, this video is also a useful component of an elementary AIDS education curriculum and a variety of special education programs.
Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours. |
Cleanliness is essential to good health. Grades 4-6
Cleanliness is esssential to good health.
When members of the band are confronted with a health assignment, they don't know where to begin. "Whatsa hygiene?" asks puzzled Milt, bass guitarist for the group. The band members decide to answer this question with a song, and in the course of this entertaining video they compose words and music that will inspire young viewers to stay clean and healthy.
Topics explored include bathing, handwashing, care of teeth, hair, and nails, the importance of clean, neat clothing, and the need for young people to begin taking personal responsibility for their own health and well-being.
More InfoStream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours. |
Being different, being ignored, friendship, bullying, relationships, gaining self-confidence, responsibility, and self-advocacy.
"There are challenges wherever you are in life, in every situation there are challenges and that shouldn't stop you from doing things. In fact, it's accepting that challenge and if you overcome that challenge, that's what builds up self-confidence...If I can do it, anyone can." — Quinn Bradlee
Every person is unique and special but sometimes being different can make you feel like an outsider. You Are Not Alone focuses on important lessons in courage, humor and honor from Quinn Bradlee, a role model for students with learning disabilities or special needs. In this exclusive interview at his office in Arlington, VA, Quinn talks about his growing up years and his experiences as a kid with learning disabilities, while other kids share how being different has affected them.
More InfoStream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours. |