
Products Showing 6 of 6

  • Straight Talk About Self Confidence

    Promoting self-esteem. Grades 6-8

    Help students identify and maintain healthy relationships.

    Early adolescence is a time of rapid and dramatic changes. Navigating the social and emotional complexities presented by daily life can be especially challenging during the teen years. Introducing this Straight Talk program, hosts Melissa and Randy present the concept of Self-Confidence, and show a group of students at a nearby junior high school talking about self-confidence and self-esteem with their guidance counselor.

    Identifying seven basic concepts, the members of the group detail their personal experiences with a keener understanding of self-confidence. Providing guidance along the path to emotional maturity Straight Talk About Self-Confidence can help boys and girls improve personal insight and the ways they relate to others.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • Straight Talk About Sexual Choices & Consequences

    A practical approach to healthy relationships

    Straight Talk presents a dramatically different approach to puberty education. Please note that the working title for this video was Straight Talk About Sexual Health. The two young hosts, Lisa and Jason, begin with an informative overview of the male and female reproductive systems, then turn to their young viewers with the real-life problems that growing up presents. With a format your students will recognize, this firstStraight Talk video provides valuable insights in the following areas:

    • Healthy relationships
    • Peer pressure and decision-making
    • Hormones and emotions
    • Pregnancy and STDs
    • Values and decision-making
    • Abstinence - the best decision

    Growing up is about more than biology. It's about decision-making and accountability. Straight Talk About Sexual Choices and Consequenceswill help boys and girls to react responsibly to the challenges maturity brings.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • You Are Not Alone featuring Quinn Bradlee

    Being different, being ignored, friendship, bullying, relationships, gaining self-confidence, responsibility, and self-advocacy.

    "There are challenges wherever you are in life, in every situation there are challenges and that shouldn't stop you from doing things. In fact, it's accepting that challenge and if you overcome that challenge, that's what builds up self-confidence...If I can do it, anyone can." — Quinn Bradlee

    Every person is unique and special but sometimes being different can make you feel like an outsider. You Are Not Alone focuses on important lessons in courage, humor and honor from Quinn Bradlee, a role model for students with learning disabilities or special needs. In this exclusive interview at his office in Arlington, VA, Quinn talks about his growing up years and his experiences as a kid with learning disabilities, while other kids share how being different has affected them.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.