
Keep It Clean

Hygiene for everyone! Grades 5-8


Keep it clean For your health, your appearance, Or your own self-esteem Hair, face, hands, feet, body And your clothes, And your shoes, And your teeth, And your nails. Wash it, change it, floss it, brush it, Turn it down, get with it. Keep it clean! Keep it clean! Keep it clean!

This generation-spanning, attention-grabbing brand new program promotes good hygiene in a format that all ages can relate to...MUSIC!! Four talented young people rap to the original lyrics and music of Rainmaker Bob Walkenhorst in the catchiest way possible while painlessly absorbing lots of information on many important topics including head to toe hygiene basics, self esteem, acne, tooth decay, eye safety, hearing safety, hand washing musts, and sound advice on how to maintain a healthy body.

If your students enjoyed and learned from the Marsh favorite "Whatsa Hygiene?" they will be equally compelled by this fresh and energizing take on keeping clean.

Just in time for the flu season, this exciting new program will seriously help students learn the importance of hygiene in halting the spread of germs that can cause colds, flu, stomach upsets and other more serious infections.

Hygiene, health, cleanliness, closed captioned, teenagers, puberty, handwashing, clean clothes

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 2 hours.

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Genre Educational
Rentals Last 2 hours
Runtime 18:00