
Products Showing 12 of 50

  • Puberty: A Boys Journey Grades 4-6

    Physical and emotional changes during puberty. Grades 4-6

    This new program includes two parts (Part 1-Physical Changes/Part 2-Emotional and Social Changes.)  It's like getting two programs on one DVD!

    Part 1:

    Matthew s fun is over shadowed by a permission slip from school.  Big brother Adrew helps ease the fear of having "the puberty talk" by providing reassuring information on the physical changes of puberty.  Topics include:

    -When to expect the onset of puberty

    -The male reproductive system


    -Common experiences of puberty, including voice changes, feelings of physical awkwardness, and nocturnal emissions

    -The importance of good hygiene and healthy habits

    Part 2:

    Andrew and Emily discuss the emotional and social changes boys and girls experience during puberty.  Topics include:

    -Body image

    -Self Esteem

    -Peer Pressure


    -Social Awkwardness


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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 1 hours.
  • Just Around The Corner - Girls

    Physical and emotional changes during puberty for girls. Grades 4-6

    This reassuring presentation includes the same cheerful theme song and clearly illustrated biology, enhanced with new narration and photography to help prepare your younger elementary-level girls for all of the changes ahead. Topics covered in this lively program include:

    -When to expect the onset of puberty

    -The physical and emotional changes of puberty

    -The maturation of the female reproductive system


    -The importance of good hygiene, healthy habits and sleep

    -Maintaining health through good nutrition and exercise

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • Just Around The Corner - Boys

    Physical and emotional changes during puberty. Grades 4-6

    Younger elementary-level boys will appreciate this upbeat look at the changes of puberty. New narration and photography with lighthearted animated figures prepare boys for the momentous changes waiting "just around the corner." These important topics are introduced:

    -When to expect the onset of puberty

    -The physical and emotional changes of puberty

    -The maturation of the male reproductive system

    -Common experiences of puberty, including voice changes, feelings of physical awkwardness, and nocturnal emissions

    -The importance of good hygiene, healthy habits and sleep

    -Maintaining health through good nutrition and exercise

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 24 hours.
  • Go Slow Whoa

    What's in Your Lunchbox? Grades K-3

    The new MarshMedia game show, GO SLOW WHOA, makes learning about the right way to eat fun and easy for the youngest student. Jonathan Apple, Glass of Milk, Turkey Sandwich and Crunchy Carrot provide the right answers, while Candy Bar and Do Nut struggle to get going and spend lots of time in the Yuck Shack. Join wacky game show host Lance Manley and his animated team of contestants to explore nutrition and the right way to eat. Topics include the basic food groups, the effects of too much sugar, salt and high fructose corn syrup, the importance of drinking water, healthy potion sizes, limiting snacks and learning healthy eating habits.

    And the winners are...your students...as they learn to make the right choices.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 1 hours.
  • Keep It Clean

    Hygiene for everyone! Grades 5-8

    Keep it clean For your health, your appearance, Or your own self-esteem Hair, face, hands, feet, body And your clothes, And your shoes, And your teeth, And your nails. Wash it, change it, floss it, brush it, Turn it down, get with it. Keep it clean! Keep it clean! Keep it clean!

    This generation-spanning, attention-grabbing brand new program promotes good hygiene in a format that all ages can relate to...MUSIC!! Four talented young people rap to the original lyrics and music of Rainmaker Bob Walkenhorst in the catchiest way possible while painlessly absorbing lots of information on many important topics including head to toe hygiene basics, self esteem, acne, tooth decay, eye safety, hearing safety, hand washing musts, and sound advice on how to maintain a healthy body.

    If your students enjoyed and learned from the Marsh favorite "Whatsa Hygiene?" they will be equally compelled by this fresh and energizing take on keeping clean.

    Just in time for the flu season, this exciting new program will seriously help students learn the importance of hygiene in halting the spread of germs that can cause colds, flu, stomach upsets and other more serious infections.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 2 hours.
  • Blood Borne Pathogens

    Blood Borne Pathogens and Other Germs will help keep your students and their friends safe and healthy. Age Group: Grades 2-5

    Focusing on the school setting, this no-nonsense presentation explains how to avoid transmission of pathogens, with emphasis on those carried by blood and other bodily fluids. This timely program covers these important topics:

    • What to do when someone has a nosebleed or gets a cut or scrape
    • How teachers and the school nurse can help when someone is bleeding
    • Dangerous behaviors that may spread blood borne disease, such as handling needles or broken glass
    • Germs - and how they travel from person to person

    The importance of handwashing in preventing illness By showing kids everyday dangers of classroom and playground, and by outlining some simple safeguards, Blood Borne Pathogens and Other Germs will help keep your students and their friends safe and healthy.

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 96 hours.
  • AIDS Facts for Kids

    This compelling program gives kids the facts they need to make healthy choices. Grades 5-8

    Here is a straightforward message for your students: "Protecting yourself from HIV and AIDS is your own responsibility." AIDS: Facts for Kids puts to rest unnecessary fears about HIV infection, then focuses on the real dangers of uninformed or irresponsible behavior.

    Beginning with the basics, students learn about HIV and how it disables the immune system, leaving the infected person vulnerable to an array of diseases. Students learn that we don't catch HIV from a sneeze, a water fountain, a telephone, a swimming pool, or other casual contact with an HIV-infected person. HIV is transmitted in two ways: by having sex with an infected person or by allowing infected blood to get mixed with our own.

    This program offers straightforward advice to students:

    -Don't have sex

    - Don't use illegal drugs

    -Guard against any activity - like piercing a friend's ears - that might result in the mixing of blood

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Rentals start on first play and end after 2 hours.